December 12/18/2001 Two new Christmas sets today. The first celebrates the true meaning to the Christmas Season, and is entitled "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks". The second set is a cute snowman/ winter themed set entitled "Walking in a Winter Wonderland". You'll find both in Holidays and Special Occasions Enjoy! :)
9/22/2001 As an American, and a citizen of the World, the events of two weeks ago greatly saddened me. I quickly went to work on a button to represent my feelings... which, then, turned into a whole set. I put it under the Independance Day section of Holidays and Special Occasions, as it can be used for July Fourth. Please use all or part of it to show your support of the families who lost loved ones in this horrid tragedy. Thanks :)
8/16/2001 Ok, It's back-to-school for the wee ones, which means I finally got a chance to update. These are two very simple backgrounds I made this afternoon. Both are floral tiled sets. One is a creamy pink print with a rose design on top, while the other is a pretty light blue print with a white floral design.
6/25/2001 I added anotherbordered background set entitledSky Children today. You have a few choices on this one. If you'd wish to have a textured tiled background instead of the bordered background, you can find it HERE.
6/21/2001 I added a new bordered background set called Puppy Love today. I hope you enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed designing it! :)
5/30/2001 Just added a new tiled background, again with an Anne theme: It's an Anne of the Island Tile, which I put with the floral tiles, for lack of a better place to put it. I made this background long,long ago, when I started my first website. It hasn't been seen in ages, though. It's from the cover of Anne of the Island's first edition. Enjoy! 5/28/2001 I added several buttons and seporates to the Green Gables Set, :) And a pretty new floral:blue blossoms. 5/22/2001 Just in time for the June wedding season: A Beautiful Floral Wedding Set, :) It's got a soft, springy feel to it! Also, a new lilly floral background. |